packing for the holiday


I'm definitely someone who enjoys the comforts of home.  If I'm traveling somewhere with comparable comforts then I'm less inclined to stuff my bags full of products I just can't live without.  At the risk of sounding high maintenance and making my future peace corps plans less believable, these "comforts" usually include good coffee, good alcohol, good fruit and food and good vitamins or wellness supplies along with a few kitchen items for impromptu preparations.  Everyone has their own definition of "good quality" and "comforts" that they value.  For me, it's certainly the quality of products, but moreover it's the experience of your comforts in a new place.  For example, we tote our pour over supplies to make coffee as long as there's a place to make hot water and every morning we can enjoy coffee just as we would at home, but with a different setting.  To me, it's completely worth the extra packing.

In this case, we're going to Palm Springs and staying at the Ace Hotel.  Coffee equipment stays at home since Koffi is across the street, but the other comforts are making their way into bags that I can unpack and feel like I'm at home.  Here's a bit of what I'm packing for this NYE holiday.  I rarely ever travel without a cutting board, knife and cloth napkin/ towel from home because there's always an apple to cut, an impromptu cheese board or cocktail prep to be had.  In case I don't always have accessible greens, I love these travel packets of greens by Amazing Grass that you can mix with juice and/ or water (50/50 is best because water alone doesn't taste good) on the go.  And I didn't think I could get on board with the whole roasted seaweed thing, but it's delicious and a perfect snack in your bag (I've never tried teriyaki or spicy, just plain).  This time I'm coming extra prepared for cocktails (NYE, duh!) and bringing my favorite Q Ginger Ale, husband's current favorite Hudson Rye whiskey for the old fashioned or sazerac nightcap, Clase Azul tequila for sipping and Hendricks for some gin and tonics or martinis because you never know what we'll be in the mood for.  This is really just the basics for what I'm taking with.  I'm sure glassware will make its way in along with cocktail shakers, prepared jars of bloody mary's, dark chocolate for a sweet tooth and some more refrigerated snacks.  

It is a bit excessive, I'm fully aware of this and I can assure you I could leave it all behind, but if I don't have to, why not bring it?  We are two hours away, I love having all of these comforts and I really enjoy being a hostess away from home.  Kitchen, packed.  Clothes, next!! 

Samantha Goble